Mitrany-Kimhi & Co
Lawyers and Notaries
"Turning Property Dreams into Reality – Buying, Renting, and Beyond."
Mitrany-Kimhi & Co
Lawyers and Notaries
New Jersey Office 🇺🇸
Mitrany-Kimhi & Co
אנחנו כאן בשבילך
for you
A law and notary office specializing primarily in the fields of business transactions, real estate, real estate disputes, and labor law. The office has been operating for 30 years.
The office provides professional and reliable legal services to its clients,focusing and paying attention to each and every client’s legal rights and objective by providing close and personal guidance.
Most of the office’s clients come to us through word-of-mouth referrals and remain as loyal clients thereafter.
Here for you
A law and notary office specializing primarily in the fields of commerce, real estate, real estate disputes, and labor law. The office has been operating for 27 years.
The office provides professional and reliable legal services to its clients, placing the client at the center and providing close and personal guidance.
Most of the office’s clients come to us through word-of-mouth referrals and remain as loyal clients thereafter.
Our Practice Areas
אצלנו הצורך שלך
זו ההתמחות שלנו
צוואות וירושותהגשת בקשות לצווי ירושה, הגשת בקשות לצו קיום צוואה, עריכת צוואות, הכנה ותכנון של צוואות, עריכת הסכם חלוקת עזבון בין יורשים, ניהול עזבון, ניהול הליכי התנגדות לצוואה והכנת יפויי כח מתמשך
Your peace of mind
is our specialty
“Law is incredible and powerful. You can completely change your case outcome by choosing the right lawyer. It is the most important decision you can make about your case”
David Shakarchi
managing partner - NJ Ofiice

Our lawyers have developed great expertise and experience in assisting non-Israeli clients with their legal matters in Israel, particularly in the areas of Real Estate transactions, Estate and Inheritance matters and collection. Our staff includes American and Israeli lawyers licensed in Israel, New York and New Jersey who are fluent in Hebrew and English. We represent international clients and provide them with legal guidance and personal attention in order to solve and lead them through the Israeli legal and administrative system.